Friday, September 09, 2005


I came across these fantastic quotes whilst reading legend Douglas Coupland's Microserfs this morning; all very relevant to bloggers and the art of blogging and all on the same page (327)!:

"...randomness is a useful shorthand for describing a pattern that's bigger than anything we can hold in our minds."

"Identity: I go by the Tootsie theory: that if you concoct a convincing on-line meta-personality on the Net, then that personality really IS you. With so few things around nowadays to loan a person identity, the palette of identities you create for yourself in the vacuum of the Net - your menu of alternative "you's" - actually IS you. Or an isotope of you. Or a photocopy of you."

"Karla noted that when photocopy machines first started to come out, people photocopied their bums. "Now, with computers, we photocopy our very being.""
Something to think about eh ;)

.......and so on and so on


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