No News Yet
Hmmmm, well over 24 hours later and little has changed.
Despite an inordinate number of phone calls, voice mail, messages left with PAs & e-mail to the Area Manager, he has still not dignified us with a response. I am SO confused as to how he can think it's okay to leave a team without a manager and with no indication of when she will be returning. Surely the standard procedure is to contact the team you are responsible for as soon as is possible to let them know:
a) that their "manager" is off sick / has quit / has decided to take some leave to brush up on her managing skills before returning to the office, or SOMETHING - ANYTHING!!
b) when / if she will be returning
c) who will cover in the meantime etc etc
d) general reassurance
There are procedures about this kind of thing, right! There should be structures in place to minimise uncertainty and confusion.
Still, the HNC has never been one for promoting calm and order when chaos and confusion is possible. Especially, it seems, at my project, where HNC seem hell-bent on driving staff crazy, I can only assume, in the hope that we will eventually leave, or just curl up and die, which ever comes soonest.
Maybe there'll be some news tomorrow.............maybe.
.......and so on and so on
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