To Manage Or Not To Manage
Well well well, this hasn't taken long - 3 posts in and already I'm about to have my first big whinge about work - please don't stop reading - it's actually quite interesting / amusing / depressing (delete as appropriate)
Previously on My So Called Job.......
A small charitable project in the south east continues it's good work helping young people and winning recognition along the way. It does this despite a distinct lack of support from the "mothership" - a huge national charity (HNC) - which has resulted in a relatively high staff turnover and a general atmosphere of futile struggle.
Our manager left earlier in the year as HNC in their infinite wisdom, decided it was better to save money by letting a passionate, hard working, caring and above all adept manager go and advertise the post to an ever-decreasing, un-interested market for less money.
So four months later, after interviews with a "shortlist" of 2 candidates (one of whom was internal, having been made redundant from another post so had to apply for this one despite being unsuitable; there were no other applicants!) the panel decided on the external candidate who had no experience of either managing or the very specific area in which the project functions.
Still, I hear you say in your innocent hopefulness: the HNC will surely provide the newly appointed "manager" with training so she can fulfill her role and so that the project staff and the service users to whom the HNC claims it's raison d'etre is to help, will not suffer as a result of her lack of ability. Right?
.......and so on and so on
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