Monday, December 20, 2004

Jack Daniels & Orange

Feeling bit poorly today – ought to be going to K’s birthday drinks tonight but am feeling somewhat worse for wear after another friend, N’s birthday bash last night! Selfish friends, having birthdays all at the same time – don’t they know one night out a month is enough for me these days!
Last night was good but. Was at Love Thy Neighbour, run by my mate Jim and pals. Much whisky was consumed with OJ of course – try it, you might like it, please do ‘cause then, maybe more people will drink it and then, maybe next time I order it, I won’t have to go through the
Me: “Whisky & Orange Juice please”
Barperson: “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Me: “Whisky – Jack Daniels - & Orange Juice please”
Barperson: “Oh, right, so you want one JD, one orange juice and, anything else?”
Me: “No, I’d just like a JD & Orange juice please”
Barperson: “What? *stunned pause* Together? *‛surely not’ muttered under breath*
Me: “Yes, please!”
Barperson: stares blankly for an eternal 2 seconds, then “Oh…. okay” Finally goes off to make drink, making sure I’m watching as she/he holds the orange juice carton hesitantly over the glass of whisky before pouring. Blah, blah, blah, it’s getting very dull. It’s really not that weird a concept mixing fruit juice & spirits – try it, you may or may not like it, then, get over it!!Anyway, so a good drunken night was had

….......and so on and so on


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i actually googled jack daniels and orange juice to find out if it had a name, cuz ive been consuming that drink for well over a year. thumbs up man.

2:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just googled it also trying to find an offical name. My friend got me drinking jack and OJ a few years ago. We decided to name it after him. We order a gallick now. But we still get the same response as you after we obviously have to explain what's in it. :) Good show!

2:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The offical name for a bourbon and orange juice is a variation on "Screwdriver". It's called a "Smoothdriver."

Any barkeep should know that.

7:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome. I now know of two people on the planet besides me that like Jack Daniels and orange juice.

It never fails to get a "look" from a bar keep.

I call 'em JDOJ.

It's not just for breakfast anymore ;)

2:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this blog dead? Probably. But I'm alive, and I drink Jack and OJ. I once read an autobiography of Mickey Mantle where he talks about drinking these with Whitey Ford. The more you know.

10:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is an easy way to order:

"I'd like a screwdriver, please."
"What kind of vodka?"
"Jack Daniels"
"Just make it"

I've been promoting this drink for years. I've convinced a few bartenders to try it and they are pleasantly surprised when they do. It's the only mixed drink I will order. I find the vitamins in the OJ prevent any sort of hangover from happening.

I've looked up a name for this drink too and have yet to find anything.

I would call it an OJD.

Good to find another "brave soul". lol

1:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.J.D.!!!!! - confirmed - great libation

1:59 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sunny Jack

5:59 pm  

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